Tuesday 12th December
Our group met up to share out the audio files that had been recorded previously. Once this had been done the project was then divided up between the three of us. Before the meeting I had worked out that if we were to make our soundscape at 152BPM and it be 76 bars long then it would be exactly 2 minutes. This is good because our soundscape features two main concepts, Turmoil and Tranquil. This way each concept could have exactly one minute each, exactly 38 bars each, meaning because we chose to do a music concrète piece then the rhythm could stick to 4/4 without there being any weird timing issues.
The way that we split up our project is that I would work on creating the turmoil section and Charlie and Luke would work on the Tranquil section. The Tranquil section would then be split up into two 30 second sections, an intro and an outro. When this was all decided we all started to work on our own individual sections.
I managed to create a small 2 bar drumbeat for the Turmoil section using a kick of a bin as a kick drum, a metal pole being struck in a large open space for a reverberated snare and then a beep from a lift as percussion.